Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Example Script 3

Nicole N. Salopek
Digital Reporting
Video Project Script
April 16, 2010

(01:00:00;00-01:00:05;24) Voice Over
“This seems like a strange sight to most people. But, this was the trend at Alpha Xi Delta’s take back the weekend seminar. “

(01:00:06;17-01:00:12;28) Interview: Anthony Palus : Phi Kappa Tau
“I supported this… women’s rights are something that I feel is very important”

(01:00:13;04- 01:00:27;09) Voice Over
What he is referring to is on of the events that was held called “Walk a Mile In Her Shoes.” People in attendance donated $2 per lap to see fraternity brothers walk in high heels. Alpha Xi Delta raised over $250 which will be donated to V-Day.”

(01:00:26;29- 01:00:48;23)
Along with “Walk a Mile In Her Shoes” Alpha Xi Delta hosted three other events to complete take back the weekend. These included an awareness presentation by Veronica Reynolds, who is the Bethany College councilor. A defense program by Bethany College’s Alum Robert Kolb, and a safety walk with John Wroton who is the director of safety and security.

(01:00:48;23-01:01:16;14) Interview: Veronica Reynolds: Bethany College Councilor
“That we have more power…to not let our offender win.”

(01:01:16;22-01:01:22;04) Voice Over
Along with her seminar, Ms. Reynolds also told us in an interview how students should handle a sexual assault.”

(01:01:23;05- 01:02:02; 15) Interview: Veronica Reynolds: Bethany College Councilor
“Women who have survived…whether they want to prosecute or not.”

(01:02:02;28- 01:02:59; 12) Voice Over
Once Ms. Reynolds completed her portion of the seminar, the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta invited Robert Kolb to the stage to present his demonstration to students. He showed the students a variety of ways to get away from an attacker. That included kicking the attacker in the legs and punching the assaulter in the nose. He also stated that it takes 14 pounds of pressure to do serious damage to someone’s throat, making this maneuver the best to use in this situation. Some other maneuvers that were shown during the seminar were to flip the attacker over your leg if you can get behind him or her. Or to cup your hand like the shape of an ear and pinch any body part you can grab.
The final part of Take Back the Weekend was a safety walk with John Wroton. E encouraged students to break into five groups then they were split into locations on campus that would be investigated. Students were to look for poor lighting, cracks in the pavement or just dangerous environments in general. Students spoke to us about their feelings and findings.”

(01:03:00;03- 01:03:17;15) Interview: Jennifer Fleahman: Alpha Xi Delta
“I think that there are…we can get these changes.”

(01:03:17;15- 01:03:23; 22) Voice Over
Some other areas of concern that were found by students were areas around Woolery, Goodnight, and CV.

(01:03:23; 22- 01:03: 33;18) Interview: Jennifer Fleahman: Alpha Xi Delta
“The stairs…would be beneficial to the students.”

(01:03:34; 18-01:04:01;27) Interview: Sara Drews: Alpha Xi Delta
“A major concern…not the most friendly place to travel.”

(01:04:03;15- 01:04:21;10) Voice Over
The sisters of Alpha Xi Delta would like to give a special thank you to everyone that made this event possible. The two hour seminar gave students confidence to walk on campus at night, and gave them the confidence to deal with attackers. A source says that the event was a success and that sisters are planning on making this an annual event

Monday, April 26, 2010

Script Example 2

Public Affairs Script
March 12, 2010

A: Hello, I’m April O’Brien.
N: I’m Nicole Salopek.
K: And, I’m Katie Horr. We’re here with WVBC Public Affairs Programming.
N: Communication week is April 7, 8, 9 and 11. The theme is “Engaging In New Media: Bursting Through the Bethany Bubble.”
A: The entire student body and community are invited to attend programs which include topics like social networking and traditional media.
K: This topic is relevant to students and community members alike, because media is constantly evolving to be more converged. Communication Week will teach about new developments in the field, media trends, and will help students prepare for the job market.
N: However, some students feel like the commitment is too much to ask on top of class work and extra- curricular activities. Having speakers at night is a time burden for many students. Also, some students and faculty feel there is no need to have an entire week to celebrate a major.
A: Communication Senior Fellows, Katy Reuning and Jodi Bodo, are joining us now to discuss the issues. Hi Katy and Jodi!
(Girls answer)
N: How will Communication Week benefit students?
(Senior Fellows Answer)
K: What would you say to students who think Communication Week is too much of a commitment?
(Senior Fellows Answer)
A: What have you changed, if anything, that may be different from past years?
(Senior Fellows Answer)
N: Who are the potential guest speakers?
(Senior Fellows Answer)
K: Why is there an entire week devoted to a major?
(Senior Fellows Answer)
A: What kind of experiences have your gained from planning Communication Week?
(Senior Fellows Answer)
N: Is there anything else you would like to add?
(Senior Fellows Answer)
A: Thanks for listening to this WVBC Public Affairs Programming. I’m April O’Brien.
N: I’m Nicole Salopek.
K: And, I’m Katie Horr.

Script Example 1

February 26, 2010

Radio Tease for Communication Week

A: Hello, Bethany College. I’m April O’Brien, here with WVBC public affairs programming.

N: I’m Nicole Salopek.

K: I’m Katie Horr. We’d like to ask all our listeners to tune in on March 12 for a feature about Communication Week.

N: Communication Week is this April 6, 7, 8, and 11. The theme is “Traditional to Social: Bursting Through the Bethany Bubble”. Rumor has it that several Bethany alumni will be in attendance.

A: The entire student body and community are invited to attend programs, which include topics like social networking, sports communication, traditional media, and a banquet.

K: This topic is very relevant to students and community members alike because media is constantly evolving to be more converged. Communication Week will teach about new developments in the field and media trends, and will help students get ready for the job market.

N: However, some students feel the commitment is too much to ask on top of class work and extra-curricular activities. Having speakers at night is a time burden for many students. Also, some students and faculty feel there is no need to have an entire week to celebrate a major.

K: Communication senior fellows Katy Reuning and Jodi Bodo will join us to talk about the issues, which include what to expect each night, who potential speakers are, how it would benefit you to come, why it is an entire week long, and more.

A: Tune in on March 12 to hear more of the discussion about Communication Week. For WVBC public affairs programming, I’m April O’Brien.

N: I’m Nicole Salopek.

K: I’m Katie Horr. Thanks for listening.

Monday, April 19, 2010

2010 Greek Week at Bethany College

Greek Week kicked off on Wednesday, April 14 at 7:00pm. The night’s events included a can castle, soccer tennis, dodge ball and tug of war. The can castles were judged on creativity of stacking and assembling 100 food cans that would later be donated to a local food shelter. The sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha took first place, Phi Mu took second place, and Alpha Xi Delta took third in the event. The night continued at the tennis courts, where the sororities battled for first place. The objective was to kick a soccer ball over the tennis net with similar scoring to tennis. For soccer tennis Zeta Tau Alpha took first place, Alpha Xi Delta took second place, and Phi Mu took third. Dodge ball and tug of war were held at the recreational center of Bethany College. These two events were what the sororities were looking forward to the most. Dodge ball was quite the show from the women who played. The sisters of Phi Mu beat out Alpha Xi Delta in the first round, leaving them to play Zeta Tau Alpha in the finals. The final results showed that Phi Mu took first, Zeta Tau Alpha took second, and Alpha Xi Delta took third. Finally, the night concluded with tug of war. Alpha Xi Delta eliminated Zeta Tau Alpha in the first round, but fell to Phi Mu in the finals. The tug of war results showed that Phi Mu received first, Alpha Xi Delta was second and Zeta Tau Alpha was third. After the conclusion of the first night the standings were as follows: Phi Mu and Zeta Tau Alpha tied for first place with nine points and Alpha Xi Delta in third place with six points.

The second night of Greek Week consisted of “How High,” “Crème de la Crème,” and “Wii Will Rock You.” “How High,” was a competition to see which sorority could stack the most Oreo cookies and in certain period of time. Alpha Xi Delta took first, Zeta Tau Alpha took second, and Phi Mu took third place. The next event of the night was “Crème de la Crème,” one member from each house had to search for a piece of gum in a whipped cream pie using only their mouth. Phi Mu’s Katie Horr, was the first to find the gum in the pie. But, was unable to complete the second task, blowing a bubble, because the gum disintegrated. Zeta Tau Alpha was the next team to find the gum. The final results were Zeta Tau Alpha in first, Alpha Xi Delta in second, and Phi Mu in third. The teams moved to Boomers on Bethany’s campus where the sisters competed on the Wii game consoles for an average score. The games included Wii Baseball, Wii Bowling, Wii Tennis, Wii Bowling, and Wii Golf. The sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha averaged the best score, therefore giving them first place for the event. Alpha Xi Delta took second and Phi Mu followed closely in third. Wednesday and Thursday nights combined scores left Zeta Tau Alpha in the lead with 17 points, Alpha Xi Delta with 13, and Phi Mu with 12.

During the day on Friday, April 16 the Greek Week committee met and discussed the can castle competition. One of the can castles was under review for additional building materials other than cans. It was discovered that the Greek Week rules stated that only cans were to be used to construct a castle. The committee voted to throw-out the can castle scores from Greek Week to level the playing field again. Also, due to poor weather conditions the capture the flag competition was canceled. It was then replaced with a human pyramid. The houses gathered once again at the recreational center where they would compete in a cracker eating contest, trivia, and the human pyramid. The objective of the cracker eating contest was for one member of each house to eat 10 crackers without drinking water, then for her to successfully whistle. Phi Mu took first place in this event, Alpha Xi Delta second, and Zeta Tau Alpha took third. The next event was trivia. Each sorority formed teams of four to answer trivia questions about Bethany College, the Bison Inn, West Virginia Facts, and there was a spelling portion. Alpha Xi Delta won the trivia competition, Phi Mu took second, and Zeta Tau Alpha took third. The combined totals brought Alpha Xi Delta to the top with 19, Phi Mu in second with 18, and Zeta Tau Alpha in third with 17 points.

Saturday, April 17 was the final day of Greek Week. Houses had been preparing for this day for weeks. Each house prepared a theatrical performance that would be judged to determine who would be the winners of Greek Week. Earlier in the day, trivia was redone because the committee discovered that the event was not done properly. Despite the discrepancy, the same results were posted (Alpha Xi Delta first, Phi Mu second and Zeta Tau Alpha third). At 8:00 pm the Greek houses convened in Commencement Hall. The order of Greek Sing was randomly selected by the three judges. Phi Mu was first to go. Their performance was a crowd pleaser and their lyrics spoke about their typical tendencies and events on campus. Alpha Xi Delta was selected to go second in the working order. Their lyrics drove home that they received the Smart Cup for 14 semesters in a row and they talked about the good times they’ve shared with the other houses. Finally Zeta Tau Alpha went last. The lyrics they presented were about their previous Greek Week win. Before the Greek Sing results were announced, the Greek Week Chairs presented Alpha Xi Delta’s Sarah Walter with Greek Women of the Year and Beta Theta Pi’s Eric Corrigan received Greek Man of the Year. Finally, the results for Greek Sing were revealed. Phi Mu’s performance took third place, Zeta Tau Alpha’s took second, and Alpha Xi Delta took first. With the Greek Sing results in, that left Alpha Xi Delta in first place for the week.

It was a very exciting and intense week for all of the Greek houses. It was a great effort from all of the houses and it was nice to see the standings stay so close throughout the week.
Greek Week Pictures Provided By: Sara Patnesky, Bethany College